Where to visit us
Welcome to our stores

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A place to discover

We'll tell you stories of tradition

Each store has something new to discover: a story to tell about us and about the city it’s in. Come in, make yourself at home.

New York

The Design Studio

An Olivetti, a Brionvega television, the historic Domus: find yourself surrounded by some of the biggest names in Italian history.

New York Madison

The City that never sleeps

At the Big Apple’s core, discover the entire Velasca wardrobe: a complete collection of our shoes and clothing.


Le Cinéma

Nestled among old cameras and rolls of film: time stops, and artisanal craftsmanship takes center stage.


The Bowling Club

Here, artisanally handcrafted shoes are like Andy Varipapa’s best bowling match; they’re ones to watch.


The City of fairy tales

Not far from the door of Nyhavn, you’ll find us: a space dedicated entirely to Made in Italy, from shoes to clothing.

Milan Garibaldi

The Artisanal Bottega

The floor will remind you of an artisanal workshop; imagine expert hands crafting at a traditional wooden table.

Milan Arco

The Cellar

Just as wine tells stories of where it has been grown, shoes tell stories of craftsmanship and traditions handed down through generations.

Milan Archimede

The Neighbourhood bar

Music playing from the jukebox, a cup of coffee in hand: make yourself at home in this quiet neighborhood.

Milan Mercato Clothing

The Style Bottega

Our first store dedicated to all facets of our style. Downstairs discover an entire floor reserved for more elegant designs, showcasing suits, Oxfords, ties and pocket squares.


The Lounge

A stone's throw from Piazza Bodoni, to have a chat with those who share passion and love for Made in Italy.


The City of Romeo and Juliet

Fair Verona: the heart of Shakespearean Italy. Nestled between Neoclassical art and Roman ruins, you’ll find a carefully curated selection of our shoes and clothing.


The City of the ‘3 withouts’

Amongst some of the city’s most famous attractions - the saint without a name, the bar without doors and the meadow without grass - you’ll find our very own casa patavina, home to a selection of shoes and clothing.


The Lioness Bottega

Carducci called Brescia the "lioness of Italy": find our craftsmanship nestled among art, drinking spots, two domes and beautiful squares.


The Garage

Old tools and signs give this store a vintage garage feel, as a tribute to Bologna, the so-called ‘Land of motors’.


The Art Gallery

Our art gallery is a tribute to the creative minds of Florence: we like to think of our shoes as works of art, crafted by our artisans.

Rome Old Town

The Station

A bit like that friendly place that people leave in search of new opportunities and find themselves after a long journey.

Rome Prati

The Parlor

“You walk in and don't want to leave," say our customers. Feel and admire our artisanal craftsmanship in a space that feels like home.

Rome Prati Clothing

The Parlor next door

Experience firsthand the textile art of true Made in Italy, in all its forms. Come complete your look - you’ll find us just round the corner from our shoe store.


The Tiled bottega

Sea and sky meet in this store, decorated with typical Neapolitan tiles: entirely handcrafted, just like our shoes.


The Theater

Take a peek backstage - behind the big blue curtain you’ll spot the stars of the show: our artisanally handcrafted shoes.

The Design Studio | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | VelascaLe Cinéma | VelascaThe Bowling Club | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Cellar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Style Bottega | VelascaThe Lounge | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Garage | VelascaThe Art Gallery | VelascaThe Station | VelascaThe Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor next door | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Theater | Velasca
new-york | Velasca


parigi | Velasca


londra | Velasca


copenhagen | Velasca


milano | Velasca


torino | Velasca


verona | Velasca


padova | Velasca


brescia | Velasca


bologna | Velasca


firenze | Velasca


roma | Velasca


napoli | Velasca


palermo | Velasca


New York

Made in Italy design fits right in among the red bricks; welcome to our first New York home.

Come on in >


250 Elizabeth St, New York, 10012, United States

The Design Studio | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday
10:30 am - 6:30 pm

The Design Studio | VelascaThe Design Studio | VelascaThe Design Studio | VelascaThe Design Studio | Velasca
The Design Studio | VelascaThe Design Studio | VelascaThe Design Studio | VelascaThe Design Studio | Velasca

New York Madison

Our home on Manhattan Island, at the heart of Midtown: come visit us on Madison Avenue and experience our entire style collection.

Come on in >


520 Madison Avenue, 10022 New York, US

The City that never sleeps | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
The City that never sleeps | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | Velasca
The City that never sleeps | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | VelascaThe City that never sleeps | Velasca


In Saint-Germain-des-Prés, surrounded by the classic romance of Parisian buildings.

Come on in >


Rue du Dragon 44
75006 Paris

Le Cinéma | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm
11:30 am - 7:30 pm
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Le Cinéma | VelascaLe Cinéma | VelascaLe Cinéma | VelascaLe Cinéma | Velasca
Le Cinéma | VelascaLe Cinéma | VelascaLe Cinéma | VelascaLe Cinéma | Velasca


In Marylebone, near the Chiltern Firehouse, in an old and elegant Victorian style firehouse.

Come on in >


5 Chiltern St. Marylebone
W1U 7PD London

The Bowling Club | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday
11:00 am - 7:00 pm

The Bowling Club | VelascaThe Bowling Club | VelascaThe Bowling Club | VelascaThe Bowling Club | Velasca
The Bowling Club | VelascaThe Bowling Club | VelascaThe Bowling Club | VelascaThe Bowling Club | Velasca


At the heart of the city of fairy tales, not far from the old Nyhavn door, you’ll find us: a home entirely dedicated to our style.

Come on in >


Kronprinsensgade 12
1114, Copenhagen

The City of fairy tales | Velasca

Opening hours

11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday - Saturday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday and Monday
The City of fairy tales | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | Velasca
The City of fairy tales | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | VelascaThe City of fairy tales | Velasca

Milan Garibaldi

A few meters from Porta Garibaldi, commercial hub by day taking on a nighttime charm at dusk. See you there?

Come on in >


Corso Garibaldi 125
20121 Milan

The Artisanal Bottega | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Wednesday
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday - Sunday
11:00 am - 8:00 pm

The Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | Velasca
The Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | VelascaThe Artisanal Bottega | Velasca

Milan Arco

Vintage wine barrels and artisanal craftsmanship: experience and feel our products firsthand.

Come on in >


Via Arco della Pace 2
20154 Milan

The Cellar | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 8:00 pm

The Cellar | VelascaThe Cellar | VelascaThe Cellar | VelascaThe Cellar | Velasca
The Cellar | VelascaThe Cellar | VelascaThe Cellar | VelascaThe Cellar | Velasca

Milan Archimede

In the heart of the ‘Milanese Burano’, a neighborhood rich in history and colors.

Come on in >


Via Archimede 41
20129 Milan

The Neighbourhood bar | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
11:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
2:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | Velasca
The Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | VelascaThe Neighbourhood bar | Velasca

Milan Mercato Clothing

Near Brera, make your way through classic streets to a selection of timeless shoes and clothing.

Come on in >


Via Mercato 22
20121 Milan

The Style Bottega | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday - Sunday
10:30 am - 7:30 pm

The Style Bottega | VelascaThe Style Bottega | VelascaThe Style Bottega | VelascaThe Style Bottega | Velasca
The Style Bottega | VelascaThe Style Bottega | VelascaThe Style Bottega | VelascaThe Style Bottega | Velasca


Down a cobblestone street in the center of Turin, near Piazza Bodoni. Come by for a stroll?

Come on in >


Via Giuseppe Mazzini 22
10123 Turin

The Lounge | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The Lounge | VelascaThe Lounge | VelascaThe Lounge | VelascaThe Lounge | Velasca
The Lounge | VelascaThe Lounge | VelascaThe Lounge | VelascaThe Lounge | Velasca


Nestled between the pages of Romeo and Juliet, in the beating heart of the city. Discover our shoes and clothing here.

Come on in >


Corso Sant'Anastasia 39
37121 Verona

The City of Romeo and Juliet | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
2:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday - Saturday
10:00 am - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | Velasca
The City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | VelascaThe City of Romeo and Juliet | Velasca


As the story goes, it’s become known as the city of the ‘3 withouts’. Now home to our entire style collection, from shoes to clothing.

Come on in >


Via Santa Lucia 48
35139 Padua

The City of the ‘3 withouts’ | Velasca

Opening hours

Wednesday - Friday
10:00am - 2:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturday - Sunday
10:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:30pm
Monday and Tuesday

The City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | Velasca
The City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | VelascaThe City of the ‘3 withouts’ | Velasca


Brescia: home to art, good wines, two domes, Romanesque and Venetian buildings. Visit our store at number 12 Corso Magenta.

Come on in >


Corso Magenta 12
25121 Brescia

The Lioness Bottega | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
2:30 pm - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
2:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | Velasca
The Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | VelascaThe Lioness Bottega | Velasca


Under the arcades, near Piazza Maggiore: step inside for a vintage garage atmosphere.

Come on in >


Via San Felice 21/i
40122 Bologna

The Garage | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 7:30 pm

The Garage | VelascaThe Garage | VelascaThe Garage | VelascaThe Garage | Velasca
The Garage | VelascaThe Garage | VelascaThe Garage | VelascaThe Garage | Velasca


In the historic center, down a street where you might bump into an artisan at every turn.

Come on in >


Via Maggio 9
50125 Florence

The Art Gallery | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
10:30 am - 7:30 pm

The Art Gallery | VelascaThe Art Gallery | VelascaThe Art Gallery | VelascaThe Art Gallery | Velasca
The Art Gallery | VelascaThe Art Gallery | VelascaThe Art Gallery | VelascaThe Art Gallery | Velasca

Rome Old Town

Located in the center, find us just a few steps from Palazzo Montecitorio and Via del Corso.

Come on in >


Via di Campo Marzio 9
00186 Rome

The Station | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Station | VelascaThe Station | VelascaThe Station | VelascaThe Station | Velasca
The Station | VelascaThe Station | VelascaThe Station | VelascaThe Station | Velasca

Rome Prati

Located in the Prati neighborhood, near Piazza del Risorgimento and not far from the Vatican.

Come on in >


Via Fabio Massimo 93
00192 Rome

The Parlor | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor | Velasca
The Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor | VelascaThe Parlor | Velasca

Rome Prati Clothing

Find us in the Prati neighborhood, just round the corner from our shoe store: get the full style experience.

Come on in >


Via Fabio Massimo 95
00192 Rome

The Parlor next door | Velasca

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm

The Parlor next door | VelascaThe Parlor next door | VelascaThe Parlor next door | VelascaThe Parlor next door | Velasca
The Parlor next door | VelascaThe Parlor next door | VelascaThe Parlor next door | VelascaThe Parlor next door | Velasca


Located at the foot of Palazzo Calabritto, just a few steps from Piazza del Plebiscito; Neapolitan history all round.

Come on in >


Via Calabritto 22
80121 Napoli

The Tiled bottega | Velasca

Opening hours

Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday and Monday

The Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | Velasca
The Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | VelascaThe Tiled bottega | Velasca


The immense Politeama Theater is just round the corner, but our store is a stage in itself.

Come on in >


Via Gaetano Daita 28
90139 Palermo

The Theater | Velasca

Opening hours

Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday and Monday

The Theater | VelascaThe Theater | VelascaThe Theater | VelascaThe Theater | Velasca
The Theater | VelascaThe Theater | VelascaThe Theater | VelascaThe Theater | Velasca
a white and grey background

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